The Davis Family- A Mission of Renewal

Therefore,I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

- Romans 12: 1-2

As we go into our last week of the Discipleship Series, we want to share with you the power of living sacrificially with a mission of renewal of the mind.

The Davis family has been living on mission in Liberia since 2019. Long inspiring story short, Emmanuel was born in Liberia. He had the opportunity to go to Canada in his adolescence. After some time living and working in Canada, Emmanuel met his wife at a missions conference at church. They married and had four beautiful children.

Both Emmanuel and Angela had a desire for missions. Angela, growing up in Canada, always felt she would be serving in the mission field of Africa. Emmanuel, a Liberian native, felt God calling him back to his birthplace for renewal.

They began to pray and discern if it was their family’s call to move to Liberia to plant a church. After some time, they felt the affirmation, packed up, and left the cold to move into the hot.

Today, they have successfully planted a church called Christ-Centered Renewal Connecting Church. They have attracted a younger crowd which can be difficult to do in Liberia, and have had several renewal retreats that have prompted many young adults to renew their minds and start living for the Lord. Emmanuel no doubt has the gift of preaching, but he also has the unique advantage of being a Liberian. This has helped him connect right away with the people he’s shepherding. He knows exactly how his congregation has grown up, their daily struggles, and the best path toward breaking any strongholds. He understands and can navigate the culture.

It's amazing to watch his entire family play a part as well. Angela and the kids oversee the children’s church and do a wonderful job hosting visitors and teaching them about the reality of discipleship in Liberia. They’re walking the walk. Day in and day out. They desire to see people’s minds renewed by the Spirit of God. It’s because of people like the Davis family, willing to live sacrificially, that the gospel can spread.

So we ask ourselves. If we’re not taking God’s word to the lost, who will? If we’re not serving the sick, who will? If we’re not visiting the imprisoned, who will? If we’re not feeding the hungry, who will? If we’re not providing water to the thirsty, who will? If we’re not making disciples, who will?

Thank you for helping us push forward the God-centered mission and vision of families like the Davis’.


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