Teamwork Saves Lives

We’re so grateful for our mission partners on the ground carrying out critical care daily. So many children have been cared for and even saved by the intervention of nurses and doctors worldwide, but with limited resources and ongoing training, every life saved at ELWA Hospital is a HUGE victory to be celebrated. Below is a story provided by Dr. Mikey of successful training being put to the test to provide an opportunity for a miracle to happen.


A one year old boy was rushed into the emergency room foaming at the mouth. His body jerked with gasps as his mother cried in panic, shocked at the sudden change. He’d been suffering with diarrhea for the last 2 days, but she never expected him to get so sick so quickly. He was struggling to get air in and out of his lungs, his tired body fading fast.


As soon as he got in, the team of nurses swung into action. They immediately made a calm assessment and realized the child’s oxygen saturations were extremely low. On recognizing this the team immediately connected oxygen and gained intravenous access. It was immediately obvious that the child had severe dehydration with sunken eyes and lethargy. Thanks to the ETAT plus training the team were able to identify this and begin fluid management according to the treatment protocol.


Within hours, the transformation was remarkable. He was able to sit up, start drinking and even began pulling the oxygen from his face. His relieved mother was amazed by the transformation, within the space of 12 hours no less. By the next day he was off oxygen and happily drinking plenty. His Mom was in awe of the change, giving thanks for the kindness of the staff and attentive care.


By providing resources like therapeutic milk, Plumpy’Nut, and other medicines, we allow these nurses and doctors to focus on caring for the individual patient and not have the constant worry of the resources themselves. Thank you for continuing to come alongside us as we provide these life-saving products to our medical partners.

One of LIVE2540’s key pillars is discipleship. We support many mission partners who are being the hands and feet of Jesus every day in hard places. Their daily efforts to teach, train, and share the gospel with their community inspire our team daily.

Audio Bibles, transportation, food, and medicine play a vital role in discipling, so we’ve set a goal of $20,000 for July to help us invest in more resources for our mission partners on the ground.


The Story of Baby Ruth


Fox 5 Feature: Cartersville Organization Spreading Love