Therapeutic Milk: A Malnutrition Intervention

Malnutrition remains a pressing concern in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries like Liberia, West Africa.

According to the World Food Programme, over one-third of children in Liberia are chronically malnourished, leading to severe consequences for their health and development.

Malnourished children face numerous health challenges, stunted growth, and even the risk of mortality. However, thanks to the introduction of therapeutic milk formulas such as F75 and F100, there is hope for these children to recover and thrive.

Our team is the primary provider of therapeutic milk in Liberia, West Africa to ELWA Hospital, the top treatment center for malnutrition. In this blog post, we will deep dive into the crucial role of F75 and F100 therapeutic milk in the recovery of malnourished children in Liberia.

Why Therapeutic Milk?

F75 therapeutic milk is crucial in the initial phase of treating severely malnourished children. It is a specially formulated milk with a high energy and protein content that is easy to digest. F75 is designed to provide essential nutrients and promote the recovery of children who are at high risk of complications or death due to severe acute malnutrition.

Energy and Nutrient-Dense: F75 therapeutic milk is nutritionally balanced, providing a high concentration of energy and essential nutrients necessary for a child's recovery. It contains a carefully measured combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, tailored to meet the unique needs of malnourished children.

Easy to Digest: Malnourished children often have compromised digestive systems, making it challenging for them to absorb nutrients efficiently. F75 is formulated to be easily digested and absorbed by the body, ensuring that children receive the necessary nutrition despite their weakened state.

Rehydration and Stabilization: F75 helps in rehydrating malnourished children, as severe malnutrition often leads to dehydration. The therapeutic milk also stabilizes their condition by addressing electrolyte imbalances and replenishing essential minerals, thus improving their overall health and well-being.

The Role of F100 Therapeutic Milk

After stabilizing a severely malnourished child using F75 therapeutic milk, the transition to F100 therapeutic milk takes place during the later phase of treatment. F100 helps continue the recovery process by providing increased energy, essential nutrients, and facilitating weight gain.

Continued Nutritional Support: F100 therapeutic milk is formulated to be more energy-dense than F75, providing the necessary boost in calorie intake required for weight gain and proper development. It aids in rebuilding muscle and tissue, addressing the effects of malnutrition on the child's body.

Gradual Transition: F100 allows for a gradual transition from F75 to normal food consumption. This transition period is crucial for the child to adapt their digestive system to handle regular solid foods, ensuring long-term recovery and sustained improvement in nutritional status.

Community-based Rehabilitation: F100 therapeutic milk can also be used in community-based rehabilitation programs to help prevent relapse and support ongoing recovery. These programs educate caregivers about proper nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene practices, empowering them to provide the necessary care and support to their children.

Taking Care of Every Child

In the fight against malnutrition, F75 and F100 therapeutic milk have emerged as crucial tools in the recovery of malnourished children in Liberia, West Africa. These specially formulated milk formulas provide essential nutrients, promote weight gain, and stabilize the health of severely malnourished children. Additionally, they serve as an integral part of comprehensive community-based rehabilitation programs, ensuring sustainable improvements and preventing relapse. By leveraging the power of therapeutic milk, we can bring hope and transform the lives of malnourished children, helping them grow into healthy individuals who can contribute to their communities and build a brighter future for Liberia.

To learn more about therapeutic milk, check out this interview with ELWA Hospital and The JLM Clinic’s Lead Doctor Dr. Mikey Bryant:


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