31 Days of Devotion, Day 11 by Andy Postell

Daily Reading: Jonah 3:1-10

I love the person of Jonah because I think so many of us are able to relate to his story. He is reluctant in his obedience. God appointed Jonah to call the people of Nineveh to repent, but Jonah runs in the other direction. It becomes clear that God loves the Ninevites much more than Jonah does.

The concerns explored in this powerful story are not the concerns of the usual prophet. The focus is on Jonah’s heart. One might even say that the emphasis of the story is not upon the conversion of Nineveh but the possible conversion of Jonah. Will he continue to try to defy God’s plan, or will Jonah (who represents Israel in this story) accept his responsibility to proclaim God’s grace wherever God sends him?

There are lots of historical and cultural reasons for Jonah not to preach to the Ninevites. Perhaps the only reason for Jonah to preach to them is that God told him to.
There is the tendency on all our parts to imagine and act as though recipients of God’s grace should be like us, should look like us. Jonah understands the gracious character of God, but his prejudice stands in the way of his obedience.

This is where our stories intersect with Jonah. Do you resist God’s call? Are you hesitant to join the effort? Do you think sometimes that there is too much need here? Too much need there? You have done enough already? The only reason Jonah preached was because God told him to. What is God telling you to do with regards to Live2540?

Daily Prayer
Lord, I confess that there are people with whom I struggle and who I assume are beyond the reach of your grace. Soften my heart and stir my understanding of your deep LOVE so that I might be open to going to whomever you send me. Amen.


31 Days of Devotion, Day 12 by Pastor John S. Lampley


31 Days of Devotion, Day 10 by Jim Pinkard