31 Days of Devotion, Day 13 by David Roberts 

Daily Reading: John 1:1-18 

This passage reveals to us that God's plan to provide for His children began before this world was created through Eternity.  When Jesus was The Word (before He took on an earthly form) God used Him to provide life and light for His children who were not yet born.   

 When John the Baptist preached of the coming of Christ, God revealed that He was again using Jesus to provide for us in a new way.  Our limited view of time and creation often causes us to focus on our immediate needs and we fail to remember that the Creator of the Universe has infinite resources that He happily shares with His children, not just enough resources for today but for eternity.    

 As John 1:16 NLT says "From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another". These are blessings that begin with care for our soul and have no end.  To live with the belief that His abundance is sufficient for this life and for eternity is the key that allows us to have a relationship with Him that focuses on freely sharing the gift of Salvation with other children of God by whatever means He desires.  Verse 18 says the life of Jesus reveals who God is to us and His life since the beginning of time has been defined by LOVE for His children with the singular goal of salvation.  So, to reflect the Love and desire of God that all of His children spend eternity in Heaven we must have two priorities: "Love Him, Love them".  


Daily Prayer  

Thank you for the gift of your son, the true light. We have received from him grace upon grace. He has made you known and welcomed us into your family. May we live our lives in a way that stewards God’s resources and shares the light of Christ.  


31 Days of Devotion, Day 14 by John Moreland 


31 Days of Devotion, Day 12 by Pastor John S. Lampley