31 Days of Devotion, Day 5 by Kim Lewis
Daily Reading: Psalm 67:1-7
As we turn our hearts and minds to the words of Psalm 67, we see a longing for the graciousness and blessing of God. The psalmist’s request for God’s grace and favor incudes the request for His “face to shine upon us”. That is not really a phrase we use in the 21st century, so what is the heart and meaning behind this request?
We also see a similar reference in Numbers 6:24-26. The Lord instructed Moses to tell Aaron, the priest, to bless the Israelites in this way with a similar reference. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
This blessing was an appeal to God to look favorably upon His people and to grant His presence, blessing, guidance, and grace. The word "shine" means, "to shed light" or "illuminate." As God’s “face” looks or shines upon us, we are flooded with His love, mercy, grace and salvation, and our lives can become a reflection of His. His light illuminates our minds and hearts. This illumination is necessary to bring us out of our own darkness before we can lead others out of theirs.
The psalmist knew this was imperative if we are to share HIS love, light and salvation to others. We cannot share what we have not first received for ourselves. If I do not have a cup of water, how can I GIVE a cup of water to another? If I have not received God’s love, grace and forgiveness, how can I offer that HOPE to others?
The purpose for the appeal is found in verse 2: “that your way (God’s way) may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations.” We are blessed to receive these gifts so that God’s SAVING POWER might be known in all the earth. WOW! So that ALL PEOPLE can come to know, love and serve Him, through us. We get the privilege of partnering with Jesus and the Holy Spirit as we allow ourselves to receive life and love FROM HIM so we can lead others TO Him.
The psalmist then turns his focus to praise as he reminds us that God judges justly and fairly and leads and guides nations that look to Him. When we do, He brings an increase! So whether we need an increase of wisdom, love, patience, food, water, or protection, we are to look to the ONE and ONLY God who is able to provide whatever we need.
It is a privilege to walk with Him, reflect His love, and share His message of salvation with others!
Daily Prayer
Gracious Lord help me to understand that you bless me in order that I might demonstrate your goodness and draw others to you. May I walk in ways that disclose your glory and grace. Amen.