31 Days of Devotion, Day 6 by Haley Minesinger

Daily Reading: Isaiah 49:6-7

There is a story about a hairbrush that has stayed with me for a long time. Beth Moore is a famous speaker in the Christian community, and she shares of her experience in an airport. She was waiting to board her flight when she spotted an elderly man in a wheelchair. He looked like no one had taken care of him in a long time. His hair, especially, was matted and tangled. All of the sudden Beth felt God saying to her, “Go brush his hair.” She told God she would have a conversation with him, but God’s message was clear—brush his hair. She went up to him and asked permission. He pointed to his bag where there was a brush and Beth began to brush. She found out later that he was exiting the hospital and coming home to his wife.

This story stays in my heart because it is so simple, but so profound. In Isaiah 49: 6-7, the prophet is telling about how God has called him (and believers) to more than they might initially think.

This reality calls for a lot of thought, prayer, and wrestling of the heart. Sometimes we are doing GOOD things, but God may be nudging us to do something more.

My prayer for myself—and for you—is that we would all be quiet enough to listen to God’s whisper. Maybe we are right where we are supposed to be. But maybe there is more to do. Just maybe there is a brush hiding somewhere that we need to pick up. A trip that we need to take. A person that we need to call. A child we need to feed.

And we can take heart, friends, because God will be with us there, too. May He continually draw us closer to His heart and His mission, that we may LOVE our brothers and sisters better.

Daily Prayer
Almighty God, you have a love for the world that is bigger than we can know or imagine. Help me reach out to one person today whose background is different than mine, with an encouraging word, a reminder of God’s love or an offer to pray for them. Amen.


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