31 Days of Devotion, Day 21 by Lathem Postell

Daily Reading: John 20:19-21

Every time the lottery number starts with a “B,” I buy a ticket. I’m not advocating for the lottery; I’m just being honest. I justify it by saying, “Imagine all the good that could be done. Imagine all the hospitals that could be built in Liberia and all the Plumpy-Nut that could be purchased.” And undoubtedly, I mean that. Winning the lottery would be a great way to bless others. If I am honest, though, there is also a part of me (and if you do the same thing, maybe you can relate) that thinks, “Well, if I win this lottery, my life will be a little more peaceful. I will worry less and live more.” More precious than silver or gold, peace is an elusive thing for which we all seek.

Jesus knew that we would search for peace. When Jesus first appears to his disciples in John’s gospel after being raised from the dead, the first words he says are, “Peace be with you!” And he continues in verse 21 with, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” We can easily be convinced to think of peace as a retreat from stress and worry. In other words, we see peace as a reprieve of things to do. But what if Jesus is saying peace doesn’t come from free time? Perhaps He is saying true peace comes from purpose, specifically the purpose that God has designed for us? Jesus wants us to have peace, but true peace that comes from God rather than the temporary peace that comes from this world. Where are you searching for peace, and how can you begin to pursue God’s purpose as your path to peace?

Daily Prayer
Lord, you send us out into the world to live in ways that invite others to open up to your love. Breathe your Spirit upon me and all who read this devotion. In your mercy, grant us the humility to live in ways that point others to you, and in doing so, grant us peace. Amen.


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